
Monday: Reiki Circle

Are you ready to experience a new level of calm? 

Class includes breathing exercise, visual meditation and guided instruction of hand placements for self-treatment utilizing universal life force energy, known as Reiki. 

Classes held via Zoom

$20 per person *Discount for families

All Ages and Genders Welcomed

Held at 6pm (EST) the first Monday of every month. Register Today! See Contact Page for more information.

Following Dates Available for 2024:

August 5th   September 9th   October 7th

November 4th   December 2nd 

Tuesday: Tarot & Tea

Having trouble making a decision? Need guidance or clarification on a matter?

This program is good for those curious about psychic readings. Wonderful for those who need confirmation on a matter. Great as a trial for new clients. 

Program offered via Zoom

$20 per person (Females Only)

Held at 6pm (EST) the second Tuesday of every month. Register Today! See Contact Page for more information. 

Following Dates Available for 2024:

August 13th   September 17th 

October 15th    November 12th

December 10th

Thursday: Women's Healing Circle

Each class will focus on an issue relating to women and will provide supporting exercises to related topic. A variety of modalities such as breathing exercise, visual meditation, reciting affirmations and guided instruction of hand placements for energy healing will be incorporated to promote relaxation and bring wellness to all participants.

Classes held via Zoom

$20 per person (Adults Only)

Held at 6pm (EST) the third Thursday of every month. Register Today! See Contact Page for more information.

Following Dates Available for 2024:

August 22nd   September 26th   October 24th   November 21st   December 19th 
